Seven Heroes' Battle

Game Name: Romancing SaGa 2 (Japan)

md5sum: 208d5e384d4e37b8569b59e3cdf6ec4f
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Added by: The Jade Emperor  Added: 2001-12-10

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 08/24/2001 16:22:57

Uploaded by:  (yazarc)

File Type: MIDI
Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Romancing SaGa 2 (Japan)
Song Title: Seven Heroes' Battle
Other Information: 

Midi TrackName Analysis:

--- CHORUS MACRO ---     
- Tom Reverb --          
---- Cutoff Freq ----    
---- Cutoff Freq ----    
---- Attack Time ----    
---- Attack Time ----    
---- Attack Time ----    
- Bend Sensitivity -     
- Tom Reverb             
---- Attack Time ----    
---- Release Time ---    
---- Release Time ---    
---- Release Time ---    
---- Release Time ---    
---- Cutoff Freq ----    
- Tom Reverb             
---- Vibrato Rate ---    
---- Cutoff Freq ----    
---- Cutoff Freq ----    
---- Cutoff Freq ----    
---- Decay Time ----     
- Tom Chorus --          
- Tom Chorus             
- Tom Chorus             
- Tom pan  ----          
- Tom pan  ----          
- Tom panpot  ----       
---- Tom Pitch ----      
---- Tom Pitch ----      
---- Tom Pitch ----      
-- Kick Drum Pitch --    
Crash Cymbal 1 Pitch     
Crash Cymbal 1 Panpot    
Crash Cymbal 2 Pitch     
Crash Cymbal 2 Panpot    
Crash Cymbal 1 Reverb    
Crash Cymbal 2 Reverb    
-Closed Hi-hat Panpot    
Closed Hi-hat Pitch      
 Snare Drum 2 Pitch      
--Reverb Send Level--    
--Reverb Send Level--    
--Chorus Send Level--    
- Tom pan  ----          
- Tom pan  ----          
- Tom panpot  ----       
- Tom pan  ----          
- Tom pan  ----          
- Tom panpot  ----       
Crash Cymbal 1 Pitch     
note: lower pitch        
Crash Cymbal 1 Pitch     
- Tom pan  ----          
- Tom pan  ----          
- Tom panpot  ----       
- Tom pan  ----          
- Tom pan  ----          
- Tom panpot  ----       
Crash Cymbal 1 Pitch     
note: lower pitch        
Crash Cymbal 1 Pitch