Game Name: Super Bomberman
md5sum: 213d3d3b50ff116124ac81e581194b5e by: The Jade Emperor Added: 2002-06-11 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 11/23/2001 23:57:51 Uploaded by: (Cuddly Battleship Kattywampus) File Type: MIDI Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Super Bomberman Song Title: Level (Tarob-Covered Kangaroo Remix) Sequenced by: Cuddly Battleship Kattywampus Information: This is a funky little experiment in fusion. Lotsa styles here. The most noticeable one is the tarob style, which is Middle Eastern/African/Indian funk music...gotta love the sitars!vgmusic, congrats on getting on a new server! Midi TrackName Analysis: "Tarob-Covered Kangaroo Jam" Sequenced by: Cuddly Battleship Kattywampus . . .I NYA at you!! song is (c) HudsonSoft original name kangaroob2.mid