The Man with the Machine Gun (XG) (3) (v1.5)

Game Name: Final Fantasy 8

md5sum: 215d39ae29cbf07e3a13e2f0102615e0


Added by: Forteblast  Added: 2004-08-12

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 02/16/2004 22:33:07

Uploaded by:  (Jordan Davenport)

Game System: Sony Playstation
Game Name: Final Fantasy 8
Song Title: The Man with the Machine Gun (XG) (3) (v1.5)
Sequenced by: Jordan Davenport
Other Information: 
This is my first Final Fantasy sequence ever.
I hope it sounds good. I'll make a GS and/or GM
version of it later. This sounds best in the
S-YXG50 SW synth, but it sounds fairly decent in
other XG synths that I've tested it on as well.

I had a bit of a battle with one of the percussion
tracks because it didn't want to do what I wanted
it to do, but I won eventually... sort of.

I hope you like it. This one only took me about 12
hours to do.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 29
Delta Time Setting: 96

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
80 - Ocarina
80 - Ocarina
80 - Ocarina
84 - Lead 4 (chiff lead)
84 - Lead 4 (chiff lead)
84 - Lead 4 (chiff lead)
39 - Synth Bass 1
39 - Synth Bass 1
53 - Choir Aahs
53 - Choir Aahs
82 - Lead 2 (sawtooth)
82 - Lead 2 (sawtooth)
Hi-hat 2
Powered Snare
Kick Drum
Metal Thingy (Cymbals)
Bunch of Claps
81 - Lead 1 (square)
8 - Clavinet
8 - Clavinet
Copyright: Squaresoft
52 - SynthStrings 2
Sequenced by: Jordan  Snare