Game Name: Suikoden 2
md5sum: 21cd3a9ca5565cde86fdf5839c361db1 by: Princess Peach Toadstool Added: 2000-02-20 File URL is Uploaded by: (Insane Apu) File Type: MIDI Game System: Sony Playstation Game Name: Suikoden 2 Song Title: Luca Blight Battle Other Information: Please note that I did not sequence this. I forget where I found this midi, but whoever sequenced this is extremely talented. Don't give me any credit for this midi!! :)-Insane Apu Midi TrackName Analysis: End of Setup by GSAE TremoloStr TremoloStr2 Flute Melo1&2 Melo2&3 Melo4 Bass SlowStr Rythm1 Rythm2 Cym Snare Timpani A13-Piccolo 1 A14-Piano 1 A15-Piano 1 R_cym