Game Name: F-Zero
md5sum: 220c3ebe879da6c10d0767a217fe14be by: Princess Peach Toadstool Added: 2000-04-30 File URL is Uploaded by: (Jarel Jones) File Type: MIDI Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: F-Zero Song Title: White Land I Sequenced by: Jarel Jones Information: I had been in the habit of making a new midi practically once a week... until January. Then I didn't make one for two months. I've got some catching up to do. Anyways, here's another one of the F-Zero midis that I did a while back that sucked and I decided to redo. All in all, this one sounds pretty good. Midi TrackName Analysis: Generated by NoteWorthy Composer Drums Cymbals Square Intro 1 Square Intro 2 Acoustic Guitar Intro Brass Section 1 Brass Section 2 Square BG Square Lead Sawtooth (Lead 2) BG Chiff Lead (Lead 4) BG Slap Bass