Game Name: Super Bomberman 3
md5sum: 248a7b7e62ee4e1b5be6dc7feec15163 by: Pongball Added: 2002-09-04 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 08/23/2002 15:37:28 Uploaded by: (B1itz Lunar) Proxied for: Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Super Bomberman 3 Song Title: Level Warp Screen Sequenced by: B1itz Lunar Information: Didn't take long to make this, nothing difficult, and still it's very rewarding to me, and I hope you enjoy it =D Nuff said ;)Best Listened to using Yamaha XG or a Yamaha playback device -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 9 Delta Time Setting: 480 -Text Analysis- Level Warping From Bomberman 3 [SNES] Sequenced To Midi By B1itz Lunar Super Jukebox Very Helpful As Usual =) Started and Finished within an hour on 23rd of August, 2002 I know this song doesn't actually have any reverb Most snes songs don't [to my knowledge], but I put some in Because it sounds so great with it ^_^ I'd love to hear feedback, and comments My email is the usual address, contact me through MSN Messenger or Hotmail: this! Don't fall asleep >=) .... BYE ^_^ -Midi TrackName Analysis- "Level Warping" - Bomberman 3 Sequenced To Midi By B1itz For VGMUSIC.COM Started + Finished: 23rd Aug 02 I think this is note perfect Made for Yamaha XG You're welcome to Name Analysis- all Channels Flute Synth Bass 1 Synth Bass 1 Delay Square Wave 1 I Square Wave 1 II Synth Voice Left Delay Synth Voice Right Delay