Game Name: Raiden Fighters Jet
md5sum: 26ab78b6e880d1851c16f9cc36bc1cc6 by: Mark Jansen Added: 2000-08-18 File URL is Uploaded by: (Alluro95) File Type: MIDI Game System: Arcade Game Name: Raiden Fighters Jet Song Title: Task Force (GS required) Sequenced by: Alluro95 Information: "Task Force" is played in the forest mission of Raiden Fighters Jet. This song also is in the original Raiden Fighters, played in the Arachi (Airfield) Stage. The Raiden Fighters series of arcade shooters by Seibu Kaihatsu features high-intensity techno soundtracks. Midi TrackName Analysis: Bass Ostinato Bass 1 Ostinato Bass 2 Pads Ostinato Piano Synth Brass Orch hit Laser_GS Scratch_GS Drums Hi-Hats Arachi Stage (Raiden Fighters) also: Task Force (Raiden Fighters Jet) (c) 1996, 1998 Seibu Kaihatsu, Inc. Original composer: unknown MIDI version: Alluro95 E-mail: Date: June 6, 2000 Original Filename: RF1ARACH.MID