Duo's Theme (2) (GS)

Game Name: Mega Man 8

md5sum: 27fbd5e7a1d7746e932adeee9980256b



Added by: Daniel Lawrence  Added: 2009-10-11

File URL is http://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/MM8_Duo-KM.mid
Upload Date and Time: 08/13/2009 18:44:25

Uploaded by:  (King Meteor)

Game System: Sony Playstation
Game Name: Mega Man 8
Song Title: Duo's Theme (2) (GS)
Sequenced by: King Meteor
Other Information: This is the song that plays when you fight Duo in the middle stage between the first 4 and last 4 robot masters.
I always loved this song, so I wanted to make a really accurate MIDI of it.

You could listen to this in a non-GS device, although the instrumentation won't be ideal.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 14
Delta Time Setting: 960

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Optimized for GS
Rubber Bass
Synth Brass 4
Synth Brass 4 (echo)
Choir Aahs
Distortion Guitar
Overdriven Guitar
Overdriven Guitar (echo)
Percussion (Power Kit)
Trumpet (echo)
Trumpet (echo)
"Duo" from Mega Man 8, sequenced by King Meteor