Game Name: Final Fantasy III
md5sum: 2929127f10aab198e661a217945d6491 by: Pong64 Added: 2001-01-09 File URL is Uploaded by: (Who Cares) File Type: MIDI Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Final Fantasy III Song Title: The Fierce Battle (Fast Wierd Remix) Sequenced by: Cheez Wizz Originally Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu Other Information: I'm not sure why it was done, but it was. it sounds like someone put it on a record player on a faster speed or something. and I would probably send hate mail right now, but I won't. It's kind of okay right in the middle of the song, judge 4 yourself. Midi TrackName Analysis: [A-02] [A-03] [A-04] [A-05] [A-06] [A-07] [A-08] [A-09] [A-10]