Game Name: Kirby Super Star
md5sum: 2d11f44e21e553f655a5da4878994950 by: Pong64 Added: 2001-03-31 File URL is Uploaded by: Joe Cortez System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Kirby Super Star Song Title: Battle with Marx Sequenced by: Joe Cortez Other Information: I changed some of the instruments in this one. I also added a slightly different drum line, and I've modified the Timpani track. It sounds best when listened to through WinGroove, or a Yamaha driver. Midi TrackName Analysis: Ooh Celesta Strings 1 Strings 2 Strings 3 Trombone 1 Trombone 2 Mute 1 Mute 2 Percussion Timpani Aahs\Clarinet Low Strings Tuba Oohs 1 Oohs 2