Sailor Mars' Quest (Yaga/Lasa Villages)

Game Name: Sailor Moon: Another Story (Japan)

md5sum: 2d27368e8fb83b2aa10acb1a2e437542


Added by: Black_Wing  Added: 2004-12-25

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 03/04/2004 17:06:17

Uploaded by:  (Cryogen Glacien)

Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Sailor Moon: Another Story (Japan)
Song Title: Sailor Mars' Quest (Yaga/Lasa Villages)
Sequenced by: Cryogen Glacien
Song Originally Composed by: Angel Co.
Other Information: 
I wish they'd done more with this had
potential, but it sounds like they skipped an
entire section and slapped a corny ending on it. 

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 15
Delta Time Setting: 960

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Track 0
Leadoff and Countermelody (Accordian)
Counterharmony 1 (Accordian)
Track 1
Counterharmony 2 (Accordian)
Track 2
Track 1
Melody (Piccolo)
Melody 1/16 Echo (Piccolo)
Track 4
Melody 1/8 Echo (Piccolo)
Bass (Acoustic Bass)
Deep Bass (Fretless Bass)
Track 7
Ethnic Percussion (GM Kit)
Rhythm Sticks (GM Kit)
"Land of Spirituality" (Lasa/Yaga Villages, Sailor Mars' Quest)
From Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Another Story
Sequenced to MIDI By Cryogen Glacien on 10/8/03
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