
Game Name: Street Fighter II

md5sum: 2ea81b1f442175d25e2ff1d0565352a0


Added by: The Epitome  Added: 2007-09-12

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 11/01/2005 14:41:15

Uploaded by:  (Moccy)

Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Street Fighter II
Song Title: Credits
Sequenced by: Moccy
Song Originally Composed by: Capcom
Other Information: updated version of my sf2-credits file, added the faint 'chik' noises on the guitar and fiddle with some instruments to make it sound better

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 12
Delta Time Setting: 120

-Copyright Event Analysis-
 Capcom Inc. (sequ. by Moccy)

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
street fighter 2
credit roll theme