Cosmic Eternity

Game Name: Sonic CD (Japan)

md5sum: 2eb8e5eddd7382a80d830fc8af19cd01


File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 03/05/2011 09:13:48

Uploaded by:  (Monster Iestyn)

Game System: Sega CD
Game Name: Sonic CD (Japan)
Song Title: Cosmic Eternity
Sequenced by: Monster Iestyn
Other Information: Heh, it seems I'm the first to sequence this great song from Sonic CD...
Also, the choir and the two saxophones are supposed to be the "vocals" from the song.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 17
Delta Time Setting: 480

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Sonic CD - Japan - Cosmic Eternity
Electric Grand Piano
Synth Strings 1
GM2 - Synth Bass 101
Orchestra Hit
Brass Section
Brass Section (Echo)
GM2 - Doctor Solo
Electronic Drums
GM2 - Doctor Solo (Echo)
Electric Grand Piano
Choir Aahs
Alto Sax
Tenor Sax