Musica Machina (3)

Game Name: Final Fantasy V (Japan)

md5sum: 2f815f7c809400649977b3b306531834


Added by: Forteblast  Added: 2004-08-12

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 06/30/2004 19:53:28

Uploaded by: setzer at sm-soft dot org (Setzer)

Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Final Fantasy V (Japan)
Song Title: Musica Machina (3)
Sequenced by: Setzer- <setzer "at" sm-soft "dot" org>
Song Originally Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu
Other Information: Feel the power of General MIDI! :D
This is the result of nearly one year of work, 16 channels, 23 tracks, great help from fellow vgmusic'ers, and a whole load of insanity.
A gathering of all MIDI tricks and tweaks I know, and some I learned from other sequencers.

Thanks to Willow for his natural dissonance trick that gave birth to most SFX tracks.
Thanks to Pongball for her progressive modulation trick that adds up to the drill sound, and for her precious help on the piano chords.

Thanks to many people in #vgmusic for their feedback and cheering, that's a sequencer's fuel!

Now, for compatibility issues... this is a powerful MIDI, some devices or soundfonts might not stand it. Here's my testing
Developed with Creative's 8MB soundfont.
Good SF: Saphyr 2000, Reality, Creative's 8MB
Okay, but percussions broken:  Creative s/w synth device.
Okay, but minor clipping: Creative's 4MB, Fluid R3
Shouldn't be tried: Creative's 2MB, Cadenza, tgsf99se.
Setzer-'s SPC soundfont is lacking some instruments...
As for devices/SF not listed, try them, I haven't/couldn't test them.

With that sequenced, that's one more insane sequencing project completed. I can nearly rest in peace, now. :P

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 25
Delta Time Setting: 120

-Text Analysis-
WARNING: Won't work properly on Creative S\W Synth and other devices that won't do pitch bend on Channel 10

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Final Fantasy V Dear Friends - Musica Machina
Timpani Left Lo
Sawtooth Bass
Piano Echo
Sawtooth right
Sawtooth Right hi
Sawtooth left
Sawtooth Left Hi
String Left Hi
String Ens. Left
String Ens. Left
String Right Lo
String Ens. Right
Harpischord Left
Harpischord Right
Timpani Bass Support
Bass Tambourine
'Anvil' support
Clicky noise
Wind noise
Electric noise
Electric noise
Sequenced by: Setzer-, June 30th, 2004.

-Marker Analysis-
Pong's Help, start
Pong's Help, end