Wizard's Theme

Game Name: Master of Monsters

md5sum: 318578d87aaa5c9794f8d7d1ab1fbaa3

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Added by: Suds  Added: 2003-04-30

File URL is http://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/mom02.mid
Upload Date and Time: 03/24/2003 19:21:45

Uploaded by:  (Timothy Peters)

Game System: Sega Genesis
Game Name: Master of Monsters
Song Title:  Wizard's Theme
Sequenced by: Timothy Peters
Song Originally Composed by: Koichi Sugiyama
Other Information: Fun Fact: Koichi Sugiyama is better known for his work on the Dragon Warrior series.

This is the baroque-esque (complete with a mini-fugue!) theme assigned by default to the Wizard.  I realize some of the notes are simply too low to be played on real instruments, but the patches seem to go well with the tracks in spite of that.  Enjoy!

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 7
Delta Time Setting: 480

-Text Analysis-
Master of Monsters (Sega Genesis)
BGM 02 - Wizard's Theme
Composed by Koicihi Sugiyama
Sequenced by: Timothy Peters

-Copyright Event Analysis-
Completed 3-24-03

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Wizard's Theme
Violin I
Violin II
8va Cello

-Marker Analysis-