Game Name: Mario's Time Machine
md5sum: 33883738a812eb3537a0bd89861b7321 by: Suds Added: 2004-12-19 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 11/15/2003 18:59:50 Uploaded by: (Cryogen Glacien) Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Mario's Time Machine Song Title: Cambridge/ Menlo Park/ Mainz Sequenced by: Cryogen Glacien Other Information: Not as goofy as the Florence/Athens theme, but also not as good a sequence. The Strings section *is* supposed to be echoing like that, though the original instrument was closer to some sort of FM pulse wave than anything. Honestly, this game had some of the lowest-quality samples I've ever heard in my life X_x; -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 16 Delta Time Setting: 960 -Midi TrackName Analysis- Track 0 Melody (Kalimba) Melody (New Age Pad) 1/16 Echo (Synth Voice) 1/8 Echo (Synth Voice) Main Bass (Synth Bass 1) Track 4 Track 3 Track 2 Track 1 Deep Bass (Fretless Bass) Track 1 Strings 1 (Tremolo Strings) Strings 2 (Tremolo Strings) Strings 3 (Tremolo Strings) Percussion (GM Kit) Delayed String Chords (Tremolo Strings) Cambridge/Mainz/Menlo Park From Mario's Time Machine Sequenced to MIDI By Cryogen Glacien on 11/15/03 Email me at: