Music 1 (Remix) (v2.0)

Game Name: Rad Racer

md5sum: 375582559bfb1318af93763f1eca19c9
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Added by: Daniel Lawrence  Added: 2005-10-01

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 11/09/2004 12:19:32

Uploaded by:  (Jay Reichard)

Game System: Nintendo
Game Name: Rad Racer
Song Title: Music 1 (Remix) (v2.0)
Sequenced by: Jay Reichard
Other Information: Music 1 remix from Rad Racer.  This song is Version 2 of my previous submission, which I found to be too short to enjoy.

I recommend using the 11.7mb Chaos Bank soundfont while listening to this midi.  It is intended to be a metal/alternative remix, the type of music you'd expect to hear when you turn on the car radio.

Thanks goes out to Tony Thai for inspiring me to write this.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 5
Delta Time Setting: 192

-Text Analysis-
By Jay Reichard  by NoteWorthy Composer

-Copyright Event Analysis-
Original Melody- BGM #1, Rad Racer

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Rad Racer, Station A