Beautiful Forest

Game Name: Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

md5sum: 3aa6e633875774b9ea9ba0c455fb1e8c


Added by: Princess Peach Toadstool  Added: 2000-04-30

File URL is

Uploaded by:  (CronoZ)

File Type: MIDI
Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Song Title: Beautiful Forest
Sequenced by: CronoZ  Information: The octave was lowered once. This should now play a correct speed and tone too and sound exactly like it does in the game. This should be the final remake of it.
(By the way, i changed my handle (again). I'm formerly known as Electric Mew. But because i use CronoZ on IRC now, i decided to use this as my handle now. When it is uploaded, upload it using my handle and get rid of the one with Electric Mew by it.)

Midi TrackName Analysis:

_This is my 5th midi. I tried to get this as accurate as possible by stripping the tracks from the SPC file and sequencing the tr
High Strings
Chorused Piano
Low Strings
Mid Strings