Game Name: Live A Live (Japan)
md5sum: 3bf4a066dcea16d748b1b5faf38c356c by: Dave Harris Added: 2007-01-28 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 05/09/2005 10:05:52 Uploaded by: (Robert Hansson) Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Live A Live (Japan) Song Title: A Painful Death at the Hands of a Psycho (2) Sequenced by: Robert Hansson Song Originally Composed by: Yoko Shimomura Other Information: Welp, at least according the translation of the actual game, the title of this song really is "Psycho Killing!!". However, in the SPC, it's named..."It's not fun being in the hands of a psycho", or something, well. I've had this started for a while, so I finished it off to empty my Unfinished-folder somewhat. :P -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 14 Delta Time Setting: 960 -Midi TrackName Analysis- Track 0 Track 1 Percussion Synthbrass 1 (Pan Left) Synthbrass 1 (Pan Right) Rock Organ Harmonica Harmonica (Echo pan Left) Super Nintendo Entertainment System Game: "Live-A-Live" (Japan) Near Future Chapter: Psycho Killing!! Sequenced by: Robert as Horn on VGMusic Forums