Battle for the Fields (3)

Game Name: Rudora No Hihou (Japan)

md5sum: 40c8a45fc47e85df9fc7ed29e494b334


Added by: nZero  Added: 2004-10-05

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 09/19/2004 15:51:34

Uploaded by:  (Robert Hansson)

Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Rudora No Hihou (Japan)
Song Title: Battle for the Fields (3)
Sequenced by: Robert Hansson
Song Originally Composed by: Ryuji Sasai
Other Information: The only cause to me sequencing this bit is that it's from Rudra no Hihou. :-P No, that's not it; it's got a good feel to it. And as said; that's the kind of somgs I like to sequence, although I can sequence anything if necessary.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 14
Delta Time Setting: 192

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Track 0
Tremolo Strings
Acoustic Steel Guitar (Bass)
Orchestra Hit
Sawtooth Lead Pan Right
Sawtooth Lead Pan Left
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Game: "Rudra no Hihou"
Song: "Battle For The Fields"
Sequenced by: Robert  as Horn at VGMusic forums