Game Name: Crash Bandicoot: Warped
md5sum: 42eb5c41a5cec31ebd7c293d83deaba0 by: Pongball Added: 2002-03-26 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 12/05/2001 17:01:09 Uploaded by: (Daniel Wright) File Type: MIDI Game System: Sony Playstation Game Name: Crash Bandicoot: Warped Song Title: Motorbike Stage Sequenced by: Daniel Wright Originally Composed by: Mutato Muzika Other Information: This is my own sequence. I am dw_junon on the forums, or mail me at or with any comments. Midi TrackName Analysis: By 'Mutato Muzika' seq. and arr. Daniel Wright Generated by NoteWorthy Composer Kit (Jazz) Extra snare track Bongo! Elect. Bass Jazz Organ Right Jazz Organ Left Baritone Sax Low Tenor Sax solo Muted