Game Name: Ys III: Wanderers from Ys
md5sum: 47e6e183d06caa09fce18b83018834f1 by: Princess Peach Toadstool Added: 2000-02-20 File URL is Uploaded by: (Nionel) File Type: MIDI Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Ys III: Wanderers from Ys Song Title: Ballacetine Castle (2) Other Information: (Ballacetine or Balanstine? The latter looks more correct, don't you think? -Peach) (Apparently it's Ballacetine. -Pong64) Midi TrackName Analysis: INITAll 0`7 -------------------- o[uoqdkoe l 0`7 -------------------- o[uEx l 0`127 -------------------- o[uE^C l 0`127 -------------------- REVERB DELEYFEEDBACK l 0`127 -------------------- REVERB SEND LEVEL TO CHORUS l 0`127 ++++++++++++++++++++ SCH -------------------- R[XE}N 0`7 -------------------- R[XEx l 0`127 -------------------- l 0`127 -------------------- R[XEc l 0`127 -------------------- R[XEq`sd l 0`127 -------------------- R[XEcdosg l 0`127 -------------------- CHORUS SEND LEVEL TO REVERB l 0`127 ******************** e| (0-255)C -------------------- fr Vol (0-127) C Balstain Castle 1/1/99 [A-10]