Game Name: Sonic Adventure 2
md5sum: 4a25958de5c37e05033d35e81113e5e9 comments powered by DisqusAdded by: Mark Jansen Added: 2001-08-16 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 07/24/2001 02:20:43 Uploaded by: (Gerardo R Cueto II) File Type: MIDI Game System: Sega Dreamcast Game Name: Sonic Adventure 2 Song Title: Green Hill Zone Sequenced by: Gerardo R Cueto II Information: [V1.1] lil' update 1patch change and a bit of note fixes Midi TrackName Analysis: UPDATE 1. Patch changes -Channel 13 is now Sine Wave on Roland GS and Yamaha XG 2. Note fixes -Channel 12 has few notes fixed and durations fixed There might be other changes on it but I probably forgot them since they are so small. Email: Kit slap bass saw saw brass and strings saw follower blank saw synth brass ocarina blank square sine wave saw fade fade lower saw