Game Name: 19XX: The War Against Destiny
md5sum: 4a69ed7cbd968ef600bbbc9367cbe76b by: B1itz Lunar Added: 2006-02-05 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 03/28/2005 17:53:27 Uploaded by: (Sean Bee) Game System: Arcade Game Name: 19XX: The War Against Destiny Song Title: Stage 4 - "Silver Ice Sheet" Sequenced by: Sean Bee Song Originally Composed by: Syun "Kobekko" Nishigaki, Zuzuki Tatsuro Other Information: Original Composition 1995 Capcom Entertainment Love this one. Whether I've actually done it justice I'll leave to the listeners. Love this one. Whether I've actually done it justice I'll leave to the listeners. -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 17 Delta Time Setting: 120 -Text Analysis- Sean Bee 2005 -Copyright Event Analysis- Original compostion Copyright 1995 Capcom -Midi TrackName Analysis- 19XX Level 4 - Silver Ice Sheet bass/snare cymb/hihat splashy dingy cymbs tommehs blockehs fingerbass slappybass chrang chrang echo sawy sawy echo bugpups bugpups echo