Game Name: Kirby Super Star
md5sum: 4cd92f82c686380accf3b91540af8f9e by: Princess Peach Toadstool Added: 1999-06-27 File URL is Uploaded by: (Merit Celaire) File Type: MIDI Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Kirby Super Star Song Title: Dynablade: Area 1 (Arranged) Sequenced by: Merit Celaire Information: Same song, but THIS time I added the Additional String trackand the Additional Piano instrument track to this MIDI. I likethis one too. I believe you'll like it too.I tried my best to make sure these two tracks could be heard well aswell as the melody tracks. I think you might have to do some volumeadjusting if you download this MIDI and listen to it in your MIDI sequencingprograms. Anyway, I tried my best to do volume adjustments when I sequencedthis MIDI to try and save you all some time and trouble (I hope!) -Merit (Is there any reason why there are three versions of this MIDI all by you, Merit? Did you want me to delete your old ones or something? -Peach) Midi TrackName Analysis: Melody 1-A Melody 1-B Melody 2-A Melody 2-B Melody 2-C Melody 3 Accompaniment 1 Accompaniment 2 Accompaniment 3 Drums 1 Drums 2 Drums 3 Additonal Strings (I added this extra instrument. This track sounds great!) Additional Piano Part (I added this extra instrument as well! This is my very favorite instrument in THIS song, and it sound A