Game Name: Metal Gear
md5sum: 533024de69a249e20d374f79caa31383 comments powered by DisqusAdded by: Mark Jansen Added: 2002-01-06 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 12/20/2001 08:38:53 Uploaded by: (Tsu Ryu) File Type: MIDI Game System: MSX Game Name: Metal Gear Song Title: Outer Heaven Self-Destruct Sequenced by: Tsu Ryu Song Originally Composed by: Kazuki Muraoka Other Information: [V0.9] So far. This is one of my favorite tunes in the Metal Gear saga. ^_^ Comments. Contact me in the address above. Arigato. Midi TrackName Analysis: tk1 tk2 tk3 tk4 "Escape" [ Outer Heaven Self-Destruct Theme ] Metal Gear MSX Computer Originally Composed by Kazuki Muraoka - Konami of Japan 1987 Sequenced to MIDI by Tsu Ryu - Kibegami Email,