Game Name: Sailor Moon Super S Fighting (Japan)
md5sum: 5362088211959b3c1c2256f257a4cb8a by: Pong64 Added: 2001-03-26 File URL is Uploaded by: (Tsu Ryu) File Type: MIDI Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Sailor Moon Super S Fighting (Japan) Song Title: Sailor Mercury - "Intelligence Over Strength" (Tsu Remix) (v1.6) Sequenced by: Tsu Ryu Information: Midi TrackName Analysis: Melody Remixed Piano Jam Tsu Bass Saku Bass Piano 1 Piano 2 Heavenly Strings Orchestra String Tsu Guitar Drum Track [ 808-Kit ] Guitar FX Tsu Guitar Echo "Intelligence Over Brawn" Theme of Ami/Sailor Mercury [ Stroll In The Park Mix ] [ Remix No.1 ] Sailor Moon Super S Fighting Super Famicom System Original Song Composed by Angel of Japan Arranged and Sequenced by Tsu Ryu Email, Version C 2.0 [ Requirements for MIDI File: ] 64-Bit Wavetable SoundCard with Guitar Effects ( Charanging, Wah-Wah, Reverbing, etc. ] Such Cards like Vortex Advantage Thunder PCI, Sound Blaster Live 128 or ESSolo. [ Minimum Requirements for MIDI File: ] Note: Just turn off the Guitar Harmonics or Echoing if your soundcard acts funny with this file.