Footsteps of Desire

Game Name: Final Fantasy 9

md5sum: 58eeadf3eb9daf13990b28402af40e21


Added by: ForteBlast  Added: 2003-06-05

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 02/20/2003 21:56:20

Uploaded by:  (Bryan Bilocura)

Game System: Sony Playstation
Game Name: Final Fantasy 9
Song Title: Footsteps of Desire
Sequenced by: Bryan Bilocura  Originally Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu
Other Information: You know what's cool? Uploading a MIDI, only to realize a few days later that you forgot to set the thing to use Port 1 instead of Port 3 (which I use for testing). Oops.

--Version 1.00b

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 16
Delta Time Setting: 480

-Text Analysis-
"Footsteps of Desire" 
from Final Fantasy IX
Composed by Nobuo Uematsu
2000 Square Sounds Co., Ltd.
Sequenced by: Bryan Biloc

-Copyright Event Analysis-
2000 Square Sounds Co., Ltd.

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
"Footsteps of Desire" by Nobuo Uematsu; Sequenced by Bryan Bilocura (
Slow Strings
Pizzicato Strings
Acoustic Grand Piano
"Footsteps of Desire"
from Final Fantasy IX
Composed by Nobuo Uematsu
2000 Square Sounds Co., Ltd.
Sequenced by: Bryan  1.00b
Forgot to reset the MIDI to use Port 1... Oops.

-Marker Analysis-
"Footsteps of Desire" by Nobuo Uematsu; Sequenced by Bryan Bilocura (
"Footsteps of Desire" by Nobuo Uematsu; Sequenced by Bryan Bilocura (
"Footsteps of Desire" by Nobuo Uematsu; Sequenced by Bryan Bilocura (