Bird's Paradise

Game Name: Terranigma

md5sum: 5bb84a50e3389248a5043b1cceff8a67


Added by: Mark Jansen  Added: 2001-09-20

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 09/16/2001 21:15:01

Uploaded by:  (Setzer)

File Type: MIDI
Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Terranigma
Song Title: Bird's Paradise
Sequenced by: Setzer-  Information: 
Well, this is my 60th midi!
it's been requested a while ago, but I hesitated
, because I had a bug I wanted to fix in my programs...
after all, the bug wasn't in the code, but in the ressources I supplied to it... bleh!
so here it is.

this's probably the first midi I sequence in part with
all tracks merged together.
I hope I didn't make a mistake...

Midi TrackName Analysis:

Track 1
Track 1
Track 2 p1
Track 2 p2
Track 2 p1 echo
Track 2 p2 echo
Track 7
Track 5
Track 3 & 4
Track 3 & 4 short echo

Sequenced by: Setzer-  09-16-2001