Donkey Kong Jr.'s Victory (Beta)

Game Name: Super Mario Kart

md5sum: 604e495528f6ccaf1095dc61abe35ccc


Added by: Dave Harris  Added: 2009-04-21

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 04/17/2009 14:48:34

Uploaded by:  (Blitz Lunar)

Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Super Mario Kart
Song Title: Donkey Kong Jr.'s Victory (Beta)
Sequenced by: Blitz Lunar
Song Originally Composed by: Soyo Oka
Other Information: This is one of two (currently known) tracks that only appear on the incredibly rare prototype version of Super Mario Kart. It was sequenced by ear using a bad quality monaural MP3 recording as a guide, which was made by "van_halen" who owns a physical copy of the proto. No ROM dump of the proto currently exists, so sequencing from an SPC was out of the question - however if at any point in future a ROM dump or SPCs do become available, I'll be sure to update the sequence, as I'm sure there's stuff that needs fixing which I'm currently unable to decipher. Enjoy!

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 7
Delta Time Setting: 480

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Super Mario Kart (BETA)
DK. Junior Wins
Composed by Soyo Oka
Sequenced by: Dave / Blitz Lunar
April 17th  Name Analysis-
GM Device  1
GM Device  2
GM Device  3
GM Device  4
GM Device  5
GM Device 10

-Marker Analysis-
MIDI sequenced 2009 by Blitz Lunar