Game Name: E.V.O.: Search for Eden
md5sum: 61c22c6c62f63123de4ccb2f2a7c3ad6 by: Princess Peach Toadstool Added: 1999-03-06 File URL is Uploaded by: (Alluro95) File Type: MIDI Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: E.V.O.: Search for Eden Song Title: Boss Sequenced by: Alluro95 Information: One of the coolest songs in the game! This is played when youbattle a boss. Midi TrackName Analysis: Trombone Bass Organ Synth Voice Orch Hit Timpani Drums Hi-Hats Crashes Boss Theme (E.V.O.) (c) 1993 Enix/Almanic Original composer: MIDI version: Alluro95 Send comments