Wondrous Romance ~ Mystic Square (XG)

Game Name: Touhou 5: Mystic Square

md5sum: 621e59ced11be365aef7df24f38d5b53



Added by: Daniel Lawrence  Added: 2010-05-23

File URL is http://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/touhou_5_title_arrange_xg.mid
Upload Date and Time: 03/12/2010 08:04:12

Uploaded by:  (Gyana Ren)
Proxied for:

Game System: PC-98
Game Name: Touhou 5: Mystic Square
Song Title: Wondrous Romance ~ Mystic Square (XG)
Sequenced by: Gyana Ren
Other Information: Touhou 5: Mystic Square
Wondrous Romance ~ Mystic Square

The title song is same as the game title, and this is arranged version (or remastered version? I wonder which one is best correct way to describe it...hehehe)

The arrange version I done are like dream mix(or weirdo mix? haha)I try to make the title song as same as the background picture of the title screen(the cosmic or milky way that Reimu is seeing the sky haha)

Anyway, this is for Yamaha XG compatible synth and will sound good if you have something like PSR-S550B or better or similar :P

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 14
Delta Time Setting: 120

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Wondrous Romance ~ Mystic Square - Arranged Version - For Yamaha XG
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Wondrous Romance ~ Mystic Square
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Wondrous Romance ~ Mystic Square
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Wondrous Romance ~ Mystic Square
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Wondrous Romance ~ Mystic Square
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Wondrous Romance ~ Mystic Square
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Wondrous Romance ~ Mystic Square
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Wondrous Romance ~ Mystic Square
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Wondrous Romance ~ Mystic Square
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Wondrous Romance ~ Mystic Square
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Wondrous Romance ~ Mystic Square
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Wondrous Romance ~ Mystic Square
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Wondrous Romance ~ Mystic Square
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Wondrous Romance ~ Mystic Square

-Marker Analysis-
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Wondrous Romance ~ Mystic  Mystic Square
Arranged Version
For Yamaha XG