Stage 6 Boss (Giant Centipede)

Game Name: Gemini Wing

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Uploaded by:  (Alluro95)

Game System: Arcade
Game Name: Gemini Wing
Song Title: Stage 6 Boss (Giant Centipede)
Sequenced by: Alluro95
Song Originally Composed by: S. E. Yuki

Other Information: 
Most of you may not remember this classic arcade game. Gemini Wing is a unique
arcade shooter by Tecmo, the same company that produced the Tecmo Super Bowl series
and Mighty Bomb Jack, in 1987.
The soundtrack of Gemini Wing, in my opinion, was very good.

This is the Stage 6 Boss (Centipede) theme music. This was HARD to sequence through the
loud drone and the Boss' roaring, so it may sound a little dissonant (maybe it was intended to).
Sorry if it does. I tried my best.

MIDI length:                     1 min. 20 sec.
Number of channels/instruments:  7 channels / 3 instr.
Song Key:                        Unable to determine

Midi TrackName Analysis:

Harpsichord LH      
Harpsichord Echo 1  
Harpsichord Echo 2  
Harpsichord Refrain 
Sawtooth Drone      
Drone Effect        
Stage 6 Boss Theme - Gemini Wing arcade
(c) 1987 Tecmo Inc.
Original composer: S. E. Yuki
MIDI transcription by Alluro95