Game Name: Hana no Keiji - Kumo no Kanata Ni (Japan)
md5sum: 65467600f441703f8f7102c7758a9ade by: B1itz Lunar Added: 2005-12-11 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 12/04/2004 14:40:19 Uploaded by: (Robert Hansson) Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Hana no Keiji - Kumo no Kanata Ni (Japan) Song Title: Fight by the Floating Orchestra Sequenced by: Robert Hansson Other Information: FYI, I STILL don't know what the actual song title is called...:-| But I named it after the stage it's played on; a kind of open hall by the water with musicians in the background...:-P EDIT: Sure, great. I double-check it on Jazz++, and then save it with Anvil Studio without checking it again, and the tempo screws up. Grumble. Well, it's fixed now. Deep promise. EDIT: Sure, great. I double-check it on Jazz++, and then save it with Anvil Studio without checking it again, and the tempo screws up. Grumble. Well, it's fixed now. Deep promise. -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 20 Delta Time Setting: 192 -Midi TrackName Analysis- Percussion Electric Finger Bass Tremolo Strings (Melody) Tremolo Strings (Echo) Piccolo Flute (Melody) Piccolo Flute (Echo) Banjo (Melody) Banjo (Echo) Skakuhachi (Melody) Skakuhachi (Echo) Woodblock Pizzicato Strings Sawtooth Lead Super Nintendo Entertainment System Game: "Hana no Keiji - Kumo no Kanata Ni" Track: "Fight by the Floating Orchestra" Sequenced by: Robert as Horn on VGMusic forums