Game Name: Front Mission 3
md5sum: 6c19cc574e5fee5addf79ed44944f506 by: Dave Harris Added: 2009-06-22 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 05/20/2009 22:44:41 Uploaded by: (Thomash Lee) Game System: Sony Playstation Game Name: Front Mission 3 Song Title: Jungle (Southeast Asia) (GS) Sequenced by: Thomash Lee Other Information: Only channel 10 using Roland GS ethnic drum set (49). -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 14 Delta Time Setting: 48 -Text Analysis- original composer: Hayato Matsuo gm transcriptor: Thomash Lee -Copyright Event Analysis- Squaresoft 1999/2000 -Midi TrackName Analysis- Jungle (South-east Asia) Front Mission 3rd voice left voice right string left string right slow warm pad bottle blow lead bass tom tambourine bass drum bongo special gong