Sanctuary Battle

Game Name: EarthBound

md5sum: 6fc0d5a4e31ecd25c0558fba65f14df1


Added by: Pongball  Added: 2002-10-29

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 10/05/2002 20:14:07

Uploaded by:  (Chibi Vegetto)

Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: EarthBound
Song Title: Sanctuary Battle
Sequenced by: Chibi Vegetto  Information: Same info. as the other I did... I'm not really sure if the instruments are correct, because I only heard this theme as well from an ".it" file. So, if you think I slipped on some parts, oh well... Anyways, enjoy again... ^_^'

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 13
Delta Time Setting: 192

-Text Analysis-
By Chibi Vegetto

Generated by NoteWorthy Composer

-Copyright Event Analysis-
All Rights Reserved

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
EarthBound: Your Sanctuary Battle
Synth Brass 1
Electric Bass (Picked)
Electric Guitar (Muted)
Choir Aahs
Percussion (Standard Kit)
Rhodes Piano
Choir Aahs-2
Lead 2 (Square Wave)
Rhodes Piano-2
FX 5 (Brightness)
FX 5 (Brightness)-2
Synth Bass 2