Game Name: V-V
md5sum: 71daff09546d8cdf332390385e41f848 by: Pong64 Added: 2001-01-20 File URL is Uploaded by: (Leigh Hanrihan) File Type: MIDI Game System: Arcade Game Name: V-V Song Title: Night Bird Sequenced by: J. B. Originally Composed by: Yuge Masanori Other Information: Two reasons to download this: 1. One of the best shmup boss themes in existence. Actually, maybe we can drop the "shmup" part... 2. Open this in your sequencer, and you have a terrific piece for demonstrating how pitch bends work. Who says game music has no place in the classroom? ^^ Midi TrackName Analysis: Tempo+SysEx KickDrum SnareDrum Hi-Hat Bs. Str. Str. Brs. Brs. Gt.1 Gt.2 Gt.2 Lead Bs.+ Lead+ Leadecho Lead+echo