Steiner's Theme

Game Name: Final Fantasy 9

md5sum: 73067c3c39941238b5776a7c6b670b9f's_Theme_DW.mid


Added by: Pongball  Added: 2002-04-23

File URL is's_Theme_DW.mid
Upload Date and Time: 09/01/2001 15:15:17

Uploaded by:  (Daniel Wright)

File Type: MIDI
Game System: Sony Playstation
Game Name: Final Fantasy 9
Song Title: Steiner's Theme
Sequenced by: Daniel Wright  Originally Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu

Other Information: Steiner's Theme appears in one of two guises throughout the game, thefirst being this one, which plays when you first control Steiner inAlexandria Castle on Disk one.  This file took about 3/4 hours tomake from a tape recording made from the game, with sound effectsover it (clunk clunk clunk!), I already tried making a piano arrangement so I'm quite familiar with it (I confess it's one ofmy favourite tracks from the game).This file is not 100% accurate because it's nearly impossible to do this with a recording like the one I used, and therefore someparts and sections may be open to debate, please mail me if youthink you know how to improve it.  I did try to make the file like an orchestral score, so if you wanted you could try developing this, but like I said it isn't THE defenitive originalscore.Note: Mandolin part (Channel 7) uses acoustic guitar patch becauseG-MIDI don't have no mandolin patch.  But if you've got one on yours, use it!Your comments and complaints are welcome at  or  main address, ffviii_squaresoft won't fit in a MIDI track nameso that's why I got another account!)Excuse me for going on an' on an' on (especially to the hostfor using up valuable web space)Daniel Wright

Midi TrackName Analysis:

By Nobuo Uematsu arr. and seq. Daniel Wright
Generated by NoteWorthy Composer
Muted Trumpet
French Horns
1st Violins
2nd Violins