Game Name: Disney's Hercules
md5sum: 731a647aea5b295617e8483410a8f240 by: Princess Peach Toadstool Added: 2000-02-20 File URL is Uploaded by: (Merit Celaire) File Type: MIDI Game System: Sony Playstation Game Name: Disney's Hercules Song Title: Stage 4 - The Big Olive (v1.3) Sequenced by: Merit Celaire Originally Composed by: Rob Mounsey Other Information: After so much careful editing to get this very closeto the original song in the game, I have uploaded myFINAL version of "The Big Olive (Stage 4)", asheard on the "Disney's Hercules" game for the SonyPlaystation/IBM-PC versions. Oh, and my apologies to Peach inadvance because I know she has to listen to this song least this will be the last time she hears this one for thenext update.By the way, this is also my favorite song and stage from the "Disney'sHercules" game for the Sony Playstation/IBM-PC! This music rocks!Check this MIDI out! Midi TrackName Analysis: Piano 1 Piano 2 (Melody 1) Piano 3-A Piano 3-B Piano 3-C Piano 4 Piano 5-A Piano 5-B Piano 6 Trumpet (intro) Trumpet 1 (main) Trumpet 2 (main) Trumpet 3 (main) Trumpet 4 (main) Trumpet 5 (main) Trombone French Horn 1 French Horn 2 Tuba Harmonica Violin Strings Trombone 2 Organ 1 Organ 2 Drums 1 Reverse Cymbals Strings 2 Drums 2 Drums 3 Drums 4 Piano 6 Drums 5 Drums 6 Strings 2-A Strings 2-B Bass Guitar 2 Piano 6 Trombone 3 "The Big Olive (Stage 4)" (Version 1.3) FROM THE GAME: Disney's Hercules (Sony Playstation/IBM-PC versions) ORIGINAL COMPOSER: Rob Mounsey MIDI ARRANGEMENT SEQUENCED BY: Merit Celaire EMAIL COMMENTS TO: