Game Name: Millennium 2.2
md5sum: 734ca75f8ac1a7718d74a27d0841d0d7 by: The Jade Emperor Added: 2000-12-24 File URL is Uploaded by: (Oedipus) File Type: MIDI Game System: Commodore Amiga Game Name: Millennium 2.2 Song Title: Millennium 2.2 Sequenced by: Oedipus Originally Composed by: David Whittaker Other Information: Game also exists on Atari ST Computers Midi TrackName Analysis: `Normally I wouldn't have bothered with this tune.. It's too strange for me. I gave up on trying to decyper the Meter & General Millenium 2.2 BY: David Whittaker RE: Oedipus Atari ST, Amiga, PC.