Game Name: Mario Brothers
md5sum: 7414d4a679afc74cd9ce4b2b6c55dfcc by: Suds Added: 2003-08-13 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 04/19/2003 17:57:51 Uploaded by: (~Melee Kirby~) Proxied for: Game System: Arcade Game Name: Mario Brothers Song Title: Game Start (Bass & Drum Kit Remix) Sequenced by: ~Melee Kirby~ Other Information: This is my first proper composed midi, although short and relatively simple. Many thanks to Tsu Ryu for the help he gave me. -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 4 Delta Time Setting: 480 -Copyright Event Analysis- Nintendo, 1984. Sequenced by ~Melee Kirby~ -Midi TrackName Analysis- "Start Game" Theme - Mario Bros. Arcade - Sequenced by ~Melee Kirby~ Square Wave Slap Bass Drum Kit