Game Name: Donkey Kong Country
md5sum: 748e2862f35bf2036e1cb74cae1d9171 by: Princess Peach Toadstool Added: 1999-08-15 File URL is Uploaded by: (Alluro95) File Type: MIDI Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Donkey Kong Country Song Title: DK Island Swing Sequenced by: Alluro95 Originally Composed by: David Wise Other Information: Fixed some volume inconsistencies, especially the piano and bass parts.After going back and listening to the MIDI file again, I found out that the volume levels were a bit detrimental.First MIDI file I ever sequenced that uses all 16 MIDI channels!Took a total of 12 hours over three days to sequence this sucker.[NOTE to site updater: Please change the filename of this MIDI file to "Dkcjungl.mid", as stated in the tracknames.] -Alluro95 (I've always loved this tune. If you like this, then you like cool jazz / gypsy jazz... -Peach) Midi TrackName Analysis: Synth Brass Saxophone Trombones Clarinet High Strings Low Strings Marimba Marimba Echo Melodic Tom Drums Hi-Hats Bongos Woodblock/Claves Piano Piano Echo Piccolo Piccolo Echo Celesta Celesta Echo Jungle Hijinx (Donkey Kong Country) (c) 1994 Nintendo/RAREWare Original composer: David Wise MIDI version by: Alluro95 E-mail: Date Finished: Fri, July 30, 1999 Original Filename: DKCJUNGL.MID