Main Theme

Game Name: Gothic

md5sum: 77176a4ddb546ee8604c9aa1b086a709


Added by: Hunter-Zero  Added: 2005-04-10

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 10/20/2004 14:47:18

Uploaded by:  (Dustin Naegel)

Game System: Piano Only - Windows
Game Name: Gothic
Song Title: Main Theme
Sequenced by: Dustin Naegel
Song Originally Composed by: Kai Rosenkrantz
Other Information: also one of my first midis from 02 =>

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 3
Delta Time Setting: 240

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
transcripted by Dustin Naegel, 2002
composed by Kai Rosenkrantz, 1999