First Step Towards Wars

Game Name: Ys Book I & II

md5sum: 7838a7e49154f7bf237157d62c629be2


Added by: Pongball  Added: 2004-02-24

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Uploaded by:  (Kouryuu)

File Type: MIDI
Game System: Piano Only - Turbo Duo
Game Name: Ys Book I & II
Song Title: First Step Towards Wars
Sequenced by: Kouryuu  Originally Composed by: Yuzo Koshiro, Mieko Ishikawa, and Hideya Nagata

Other Information: This is the field music to Ys and it's off the Ys piano collection. ^_^Ugh, there's no reverb so the piano instrument doesn't sound very authentic.  Oh well. -_-  But let me tell you, a reverb of 80 for the 1st channel and a reverb of 70 on the 2nd makes this tune sound better. =PIf Noteworthy Composer has a reverb option, please tell me where it is. ^^

Midi TrackName Analysis:

Generated by NoteWorthy Composer
Right Hand
Left Hand