Game Name: Bonkers
md5sum: 785921e23855dbacaeced3869f4e676a by: Daniel Lawrence Added: 2009-10-06 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 08/25/2009 15:17:53 Uploaded by: (Matthew Seldon) Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Bonkers Song Title: Level 4: Boat Sequenced by: Matthew Seldon Other Information: This song is used for on the 4th level on Bonkers. And the 1st level on the Pirate Game with Chikorita and Totodile. -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 17 Delta Time Setting: 96 -Midi TrackName Analysis- MIDI Ch. 1 MIDI Ch. 2 MIDI Ch. 3 MIDI Ch. 4 MIDI Ch. 5 MIDI Ch. 6 MIDI Ch. 7 MIDI Ch. 8 MIDI Ch. 9 MIDI Drums MIDI Ch. 11 MIDI Ch. 12 MIDI Ch. 13 MIDI Ch. 14 MIDI Ch. 15 MIDI Ch. 16