Game Name: Stunt Race FX
md5sum: 7c7f813977e18386a1d14c2dc8763e09 by: Mark Jansen Added: 2001-08-16 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 06/03/2001 21:14:39 Uploaded by: (Dave Phaneuf) File Type: MIDI Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Stunt Race FX Song Title: White Land Sequenced by: Dave Phaneuf Information: I'm proud of this one. It sounds just like the original. I hope you like it. Midi TrackName Analysis: Generated by NoteWorthy Composer Staff Staff-1 Staff-2 Staff-3 Staff-4 Staff-5 Staff-6 Staff-7 Staff-8 Staff-9 Staff-10 Staff-11 Staff-12 Staff-13