Windmill Hut

Game Name: Legend Of Zelda, The: Ocarina Of Time

md5sum: 7d85aa98f9e0ce94c3606836208bcfec


Added by: Horn  Added: 2006-10-14

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 11/12/2005 23:13:43

Uploaded by:  (Heikki)
Proxied for:

Game System: Piano Only - Nintendo 64
Game Name: Legend Of Zelda, The: Ocarina Of Time
Song Title: Windmill Hut
Sequenced by: Heikki
Other Information: 

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 3
Delta Time Setting: 480

-Text Analysis-
When you play this on piano, please use pedal. The left hand part should not be too loud compared to the melody, which should be

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Windmill hut
Right Hand
Left Hand