Armageddon (Unused Track)

Game Name: Mega Man X5

md5sum: 7e336b546f079682ed24328b422fe919


Added by: Daniel Lawrence  Added: 2010-05-23

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 11/30/2009 17:05:05

Uploaded by:  (King Meteor)

Game System: Sony Playstation
Game Name: Mega Man X5
Song Title: Armageddon (Unused Track)
Sequenced by: King Meteor
Other Information: I first heard this song as an extra in Mega Man X Collection.
I don't know what this song would have been used for, but I think it's a really nice song.
I think I got this MIDI as close to the original as I could, although it doesn't really do the original justice.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 13
Delta Time Setting: 960

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Track 0
Fingered Bass
Picked Bass
Clean Guitar
Steel Guitar
Distortion Guitar (Rhythm)
Overdriven Guitar
Distortion Guitar (Lead)
Distortion Guitar (Lead) (echo)
Distortion Guitar (Lead) (echo)
Percussion (Power Kit)
Synth Strings 1
"Armagedon (Unreleased Track)" from Mega Man X5, sequenced by King Meteor