Game Name: Donkey Kong Country 3
md5sum: 838dd96d4224ee40981eabc0671cb9be by: Pongball Added: 2003-04-06 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 02/08/2003 01:27:48 Uploaded by: (AI Musicware) Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Donkey Kong Country 3 Song Title: Bonus Time Sequenced by: AI Musicware Branch Originally Composed by: David Wise, Eveline Fischer Other Information: -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 11 Delta Time Setting: 960 -Text Analysis- Sequenced by:Alex Lee Sequenced using:Anvil Studio and Cakewalk SONAR 2.0 XL Originally Composed by:David to:Heather Clem and Jake GOguen Song is copyrighted Do not edit, upload, use, and reproduce without permission Permission granted if membership is green class or higher. Instruments used: Acoustic Bass Baritone Sax Clainet Alto Sax Alto Sax Honky-Tonk Piano Baritone Sax Clainet Alto Sax Drums: Room Set -Copyright Event Analysis- Copyrighted by: AI Musicware Branch -Midi TrackName Analysis- Donkey Kong Country 3: Bonus Bumpity Bass Straight Chord Melody Woodwind chord Brass Counter Melody Brass Feedback Old Tonky Straight Chord Echo Woodwind echo Brass Counter Echo Tick-Tick Precussion -Marker Analysis- Donkey Kong Country 3: Bonus -Sequenced by: AI Musicware Branch Dedicated to Heather Clem and Jake GOgue A change in key Single Clainet Solo A little finish Up and repeat Start over Another Clarinet Solo Let it Bounce Americana Almost over End