Back Fire

Game Name: Final Fantasy Tactics

md5sum: 84a6a9953afa3daff9bc0ee56e840231


Added by: Dave Harris  Added: 2008-01-23

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 09/06/2005 20:51:14

Uploaded by:  (Andres Rojas)

Game System: Piano Only - Sony Playstation
Game Name: Final Fantasy Tactics
Song Title: Back Fire
Sequenced by: Breaky Boy
Song Originally Composed by: Masaharu Iwata
Other Information: The arrangement was composed by Asako Niwa. The midi was sequenced by playing the composition live and then adjusting it manually in the sequencer for clarity (i.e. if anyone wants to play it themselves, they can read the staff themselves).

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 4
Delta Time Setting: 120

-Text  TrackName Analysis-
Back  Hand
Left Hand